Our Friends and Neighbors
The Fellowship Community is a neighbor of the Threefold Community, which is located on 140 wooded acres surrounding the Fellowship Community's 80 acres.
The Threefold Community includes the Threefold Education Center, Green Meadow Waldorf School (400 students, grades K-12), the Pfeiffer Center (environmental education, biodynamic agriculture, and organic beekeeping), Eurythmy Spring Valley (movement art), Sunbridge Institute (Waldorf teacher education and adult anthroposophical studies), the Otto Specht School (Waldorf education for children with learning differences), the Fiber Craft Studio (healing senses and soul through work with plants and natural fibers), and the Hungry Hollow Co-op Natural Foods Market.
The Christian Community Movement for Religious Renewal is a church nearby that many in the larger community attend that is inspired by the teachings of Rudolf Steiner.
The Paul Scharff Archive is a web site with a digital archive that provides access to the literary estate of Dr. Paul W Scharff M.D, co-founder of the Fellowship Community.
Check them out!
Threefold Educational Center
Green Meadow Waldorf School
The Pfeiffer Center
Eurythmy Spring Valley
Sunbridge Institute
Otto Specht School
Fiber Craft Studio
Hungry Hollow Food Co-op
Christian Community
Paul Scharff Archive