With gratitude for the generous contributions from hundreds of donors over the last year and a half, at this point the Fellowship Community has over $2,441,974 committed to the Rebuilding & Reimagining Our Future campaign.
This represents 76% of the 3-year goal to raise $3,200,000. Over $530,000 in donations and pledges have come from Fellowship Community Members.
New Pine Lodge
Construction on the new Pine Lodge began in April 2022 after nearly two years of planning and negotiating with the insurance company.
The new building is estimated to cost about $4,000,000, with insurance covering approximately $2,800,000 of the cost.
The remaining $1,200,000 will need to
come from fundraising. The campaign committee has made good progress, with nearly $1,100,718 committed thus far towards the goal for rebuilding Pine Lodge, and only $99,000 left to go!
Community Member Support
In 2021, the Fellowship Community offered financial support to 13 Members to assist with their rent, meal and care fees totaling over $280,000 in support.
In 2022, fees were raised throughout the community to help offset increasing costs. The projected support for Members this year is approximately $340,000, and generous contributions from donors will help make this much needed support possible.
This type of critical support for those in need has been funded by generous donors to the campaign, and to date we have over $605,000 committed toward the 3-year goal of raising over $1,000,000.
Looking ahead, the Fellowship Community is striving to grow our reserves so that we can provide financial support to Members on an annual basis from interest income generated from the reserve fund.
Hilltop House Renovations
The campaign has over $200,000 committed so far out of the $500,000 goal to renovate Hilltop House, the heart of the Fellowship Community.
These donations will allow for improvements to be made to the main building on campus, including upgrades to the front entrance, the porch and the geothermal heating system.
Our Efforts Continue!
We are grateful for the many individuals who have so generously supported our campaign and we are thrilled that we have made such strong progress towards our overall $3,200,000 goal. The generosity of heart from so many has lifted our spirits - providing confidence that, together we can achieve our campaign goal as we continue to rebuild and reimagine our future.
If you have any questions or are interested in more information about the campaign please contact Peter Heatley, Development Manager for the Fellowship Community at 845-356-8494 ext. 1131 or peter.heatley@fellowshipcommunity.org. To make a gift to the campaign please visit fellowshipcommunity.org/donate.
Donate now to support the Fellowship Community!
Your support helps to stabilize and strengthen the Fellowship Community, allowing for a continuation of unparalleled care for the elderly in a loving and safe environment well into the future.
Your support makes all the difference. Thank You!