by Tari Steinrueck, Administrator
With the coming of Spring, we see new life taking hold all around the Fellowship Community. In early April, we broke ground on the construction of the new Pine Lodge, a residential building that will replace the one destroyed by fire in 2020. This is the culmination of nearly two years of negotiations and planning, and the fruits of those efforts are showing in the budding building that is taking shape at the site of the old one.
The cultural life of the Fellowship is also coming into bloom after a long period of dormancy. We have moved out of the isolation and separation that were required by the first two years of the pandemic, into a time of more connection and activity. We continue to practice the safety protocols of masking and distancing when we gather, which has allowed our community to celebrate festivals, share music, poetry and lively discussions in person over the last few months. It feels good to be together again, and to reaffirm our commitment to sharing a vibrant cultural life, a vital tenet of the Fellowship Community.
We are also witnessing a time of change at the Fellowship Medical Center, with the retirement of longtime medical doctor Gerald Karnow after nearly 40 years of service. The Anthroposophic medical practice continues in the hands of Dr. Yuklin Ling. She is joined by Nurse Practitioner Christine Bordas, who specializes in geriatric care. To supplement and deepen the medical work delivered in Hilltop House, hands-on caregivers have been participating in an intensive Anthroposophical care training program. This has allowed Fellowship employees to go deeper in their understanding of the principles that underpin everything that we do to care for the elderly in a loving, community setting.
Nowhere is the end of Winter and the coming of Spring more apparent than on the farm, where new life has come to the dairy with the birth of five new calves in March. Preparations for planting are taking place in the greenhouses and in the fields, as we begin another season producing Biodyamically grown vegetables that feed our community at the Fellowship.
Our one-on-one, human-centered approach to caring for the aging person is an essential part of what makes the Fellowship so special. This robust cycle of life that unfolds at the Fellowship Community year after year is made possible by your generous and open-hearted support.
Thank you for your interest, and your continued care for the Fellowship Community!
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